Gabe Ramirez, LCSW

Gabe Ramirez is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker that joined the Rice Counseling Center in 2019. He is a graduate of the University of St. Thomas with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Psychology, and earned his graduate degree from the University of Houston, Graduate College of Social Work. Prior to coming to Rice, Gabe worked at the Menninger Clinic providing direct care treatment to both adolescents and adults living with intricate psychiatric and behavioral issues. After completing his graduate degree, Gabe worked at the Center for Success and Independence providing individual, group, and family therapy for adolescents in residential treatment. Gabe is a certified facilitator of the Daring Way and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, and has worked with people to manage issues including anxiety, depression, and addiction. He believes in providing a comprehensive approach to helping people understand themselves as they seek to live a more connected life. In his free time, Gabe enjoys being with his family, listening to music, and loves to BBQ.